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Six Dutch Louis XV Carved Walnut Chairs

Six Dutch Louis XV Carved Walnut Chairs

A set of six Dutch high backed chairs dating from the early Rococo period (ca. 1740). All chairs with beautifully carved asymmetrical floral ornamentation on the cabriole legs, on the cross-rail under the seat and on the top of the back. The legs ending in ball and claw feet, which indicates the fairly early date of these chairs.
The central splat of the back in the form of a baluster, the sides in C- and S-volute shapes.

In the 18th Century these Queen Anne chairs were known in Holland as “English chairs” and the type remained very popular up to the 1770’s.

Annigje Hofstede, Nederlandse Meubelen, van Barok tot Biedermeier 1700-1830, Zwolle, Waanders 2004, p. 104 afb. 159

Six Dutch Louis XV Carved Walnut Chairs
Price on request
ca. 1735-1740
carved walnut, burrwalnut veneer, Dutch elm
118 x 50 x 58 cm

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